Relationships With Passion

Rasma Sandra Raisters
5 min readSep 24, 2019

If you’re lucky to marry your heart’s desire your first year can be bliss indeed. However, the desire which sparks romances can be a fleeting thing. So keep in mind that by the time five or more years have passed it can be that a word said without thought can dampen that spark of desire just like a pail of water thrown on a bonfire. There is hope, however, and there are certain ways in which you can bust the desire-breakers and get back all that good loving.

First things first always keep in mind your personal hygiene. Make sure that if you’re going to be making love up-close that your breath doesn’t leave much to be desired. If you’re going out to dinner or making a candlelight dinner at home, as much as you may love them, avoid the garlic and onions. However, if you happen to have eaten some garlic for dinner and you can’t get to brush your teeth then make sure you drink plenty of water and squish it around your mouth to be sure you get out all the garlic bits. Afterward, munch on some parsley or eat an apple for dessert and you’ll be ready for lots of kissing. Don’t overpower your partner with too much cologne or perfume. Just a little will do as will a brilliant and dazzling smile that just melts a heart. If you have ever thought that those bubble bath scenes in movies are rather silly, think again. A soak in a scented tub full of bubbles can be a wonderful start to a passionate and romantic night.

Romance fizzles under constant criticizing. Be tolerant toward your partner and most of all understanding. Remember we all make mistakes and forget things. Don’t step on painful toes and start bad feelings because of things like late dinners and laundry that didn’t get washed. These things don’t make life tick — love does. So instead of pushing each other away draw each other closer with understanding and sympathy and of course plenty of love. It’s those little compliments that can go a long, long way. Appreciate each other and find joy in the things you do for one another. Thoughtfulness counts. If the chores at home have built up divide them among both of you and before you know it you can sit side by side enjoying your favorite movies. If you have had a rough day at work or you see your partner has, take the time to listen to their problems and see if you can help to ease their worries. If nothing else, giving a nice massage to someone who is stressed from work can do wonders.

Everyday life can get mundane. Same old, same old. It is up to you to add in some spice. If she enjoys fresh flowers bring home her favorite now and then. Think of some thoughtful little gift for him or even something silly and fun that just says thinking of you. Take the time for scented candles and nights put aside just for romance when you lock the world outside the door. The morning will come soon enough when you have to return to all the usual but isn’t it better when you have a romantic evening that can linger on your mind?

We all get very tired and sometimes we just can’t get enough sleep. However, when you return home after a tough day you want to spend some quality time with your partner and that is just not going to happen if you feel like you want to go right to sleep or wind up yawning through dinner. Besides if you have poor sleeping habits this could lead to inflammation which in turn can be a threat to your arteries and wind up hampering blood blow to all of the parts of your body including sexual zones. So in order to get the proper rest at night, you should take it easy on alcohol. A glass or two of wine at dinner is alright just keep away from too many heavy cocktails. Instead of drinking during the evening have a chilled bucket of champagne ready in the bedroom as both you and your partner have some romantic time together.

Another thing that can disrupt things and not let your body wind down and get some sleep is if you keep on texting, working at your computer, and trying to finish one more thing just before bedtime. Those flickering electronic lights can cause your brain to remain alert instead of ready for a snooze. Everyone should opt to try to get at least 6.5–7.5 hours of sleep a night. This will also increase your life span. Besides after all that electronic stuff gets turned off you can put on some quiet romantic music and cuddle as you fall asleep. Skip that late-night movie and talk about your innermost feelings and desires. Build up a closeness between the two of you so that you know what your partner feels just with one look and no words are needed.

Finally, yes, there is a finally you and your partner will have to complete that final chapter yourselves the day you decide to have a baby added to your joyful life. Babies change lives everyone knows but babies can add joy to life also. The first suggestion for your final paragraph is to write in bold — remember all the right things to do before baby. For each couple the addition of a baby is different. There are couples who choose to have a nanny look after the baby, couples who can afford to have the female partner take time off until the child is of school age, and couples who have both sets of parents who can help with taking care of the baby. Therefore even though there are many suggestions you can find online for that great coming event you and your partner are still as different as you can be from other partners and the addition of a baby will be something completely individual to the both of you. So this final chapter will be your own and it will begin with — we’re going to have a baby.



Rasma Sandra Raisters

I am a freelance and content writer. I have four blogs. I love music, reading, and drawing. I live in Daytona Beach, Florida.