Negative Stress the Killer

Rasma Sandra Raisters
3 min readOct 1, 2021

There is something squeezing your shoulders and making your chest tight and you can hardly stand it. Most likely if you have been worried a lot or trying to do too much in too short a time what is attacking you is stress and it can kill. In the dictionary, you’ll find that stress is defined as a kind of pressure, force, or influence that tends to move us to action, either mentally, emotionally, or physically. Even though stress can harm us greatly without stress we would hardly know we were alive because stress motivates us to do different things. Working people usually experience the most stress because there is so much expected of them every day and they have to show that they are capable of performing well. Heavens forbid, if they fail to do their best on any one day then stress descends mercilessly and it seems there is no escape.

Positive Stress

Positive stress is also referred to as Eustress and we feel it when we are being confronted with demanding or challenging situations. Usually these kinds of situations people can handle well and given the opportunity being able to meet the challenges and responsibilities expected of them this kind of stress gives one a sense of thrill and excitement. Another example of this kind of stress is when we are faced with the possibility of promotion at work it gives us positive feelings which urge us to succeed and get that promotion.

In other words, it is positive stress that urges us to go that extra mile and be outstanding at all we do. Then when we are successful we can enjoy that euphoric feeling that we have done our best. People who experience positive stress know that they live fulfilled and successful lives. This is the kind of stress that is necessary to get as much as you can from living.

Negative Stress

Now it is negative stress that can be a killer and unfortunately in life is the kind of stress most often experienced by people. It brings on negative feelings that make us feel trapped and helpless and life offers no joy. It can be brought on by taking up too many responsibilities and trying to do too many things at once when suddenly you find that there is no time to relax and you are losing sleep worrying if you’ll be able to get everything done. Negative emotional stress can result from having bad relationships with family and friends. Suddenly the world seems to be tilting and there seems to be no way out of bad situations. Negative stress seems to be closing in for the kill.

Negative stress can build up and can make us feel mentally, emotionally, and physically sick. It’s like having a dark rain cloud following you and you know that eventually, everything is going to come pouring down on you. It is important to find ways to get out from under the feelings of negative stress because they make life so very miserable. This kind of stress is the stress that keeps you from becoming successful in life.

Beware of the Signs

It is important for people to recognize the different signs of which kind of stress they might be dominated by. If they feel blissful and joyful and most of the time come out on the winning side they know they are living life right and enjoying the fulfilment of positive stress. However, if it seems that nothing is going right and it is hard to even imagine getting up in the morning and beginning your day then negative stress is beckoning and it is of the utmost importance to get the necessary help to get out from under its influence because it is the killer. So keep in mind that positive stress will always motivate you and keep you doing your best and negative stress will put you out of the game of life. It is of importance to always keep a proper balance between positive and negative stress.



Rasma Sandra Raisters

I am a freelance and content writer. I have four blogs. I love music, reading, and drawing. I live in Daytona Beach, Florida.