Keeping the Mind Writing Active

Rasma Sandra Raisters
5 min readNov 27, 2018
Pixabay Image/rawpixel

How many times has it not happened that you are busy writing up a storm and the ideas keep flowing and suddenly your stomach demands to be fed? The interesting part about that is that you are not always ready to stop at the end of a line. It might not be a bad idea to keep something on hand while you work so you can snack on it anytime but just the thought of taking a break and heading for the kitchen is not always the best option. You know that once you’re in the kitchen anything that you can grab and take back to your work area will be fine as long as you have satisfied your stomach grumblings. However, some of the food might not be the healthiest of choices and then once we get back to work the added calories we have splurged on might just make us sluggish and sleepy in the late afternoon. So what is the alternative?

Keep in mind that just like the body needs to be fed so does the mind and often the food we eat can affect one or the other and at times both. Foods that are high GI, high sugar content and no protein or other nutritional value can give you a quick hunger fix but afterward they’ll leave you tired, still hungry later, and definitely dissatisfied and that won’t get you back to your work which requires a sharp mind and high-energy to keep pounding on that keyboard. The best alternative is to eat foods that will boost your productivity, feed your body, and keep you working with a high energy level.

Fruit is a great way to go. High up on the list are blackcurrants which have a high level of Vitamin C that can help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. These berries also help the nerve cells in the eye and the brain to function properly. Now you don’t want to get them sugared up but I have found that a sprinkling of powdered sugar works well or you can add them to sliced apples. There are also various salads you can make with blackcurrants and a bit of salad and a bit of writing always pair up nicely.

For a healthy brain to keep functioning properly some essential fatty acids are needed. These can be found in oily fish such as salmon, sardines, kippers, and trout. Smoked salmon goes well with a dash of lemon and can be prepared on crackers which you can easily snack on. So get all those good Omega-3 fatty acids and don’t forget the tuna. Tuna is the easiest snacking food to get you writing through the day. You can have it on crackers too and make tuna salad.

When your energy is getting low have some sweet potato to boost your potassium levels. It has more potassium than banana and potassium is needed for oxygen flow to the brain to support concentration and productivity. Take a sweet potato and pop it into the oven and bake it up for a delicious afternoon treat. If you prefer you can get sweet potato chips from a health food shop.

Fruits and vegetables provide your body with important antioxidants. These also help to improve your cognitive performance and take away stress so that you can think clearer and learn more which is essential for all the writers out there in the cyber world. Cut up fruit or a big bowl of spinach salad will fortify you and keep you working. Another way to get those important antioxidants is by eating dark chocolate. Cacao is just full of antioxidants which both your brain and body need. It is best to get the darkest chocolate you can. Cacao powder mixed with boiling water is a great warming treat in the winter. I now get flashes from my childhood memories of my dad working away at his desk with an open package of a chocolate bar. Just plain dark chocolate and only now I come to realize that dad was not just eating it for a treat he was a journalist, a poet, and a writer so he knew what he was doing. I can tell you about this now but then my dad knew how to find the information he required before the age of computers.

I am sure there are many of you out there who remember that broccoli was the enemy when you were a child. It was something your mom made you eat but you did not like. Well now as a grown-up and especially if you are serious about writing it is time to make friends with the broccoli. It has very high levels of Vitamin K which has such health benefits as enhancing cognitive function. Spice up your broccoli by roasting it along with some garlic, olive oil, ginger, and chili flakes. Have your broccoli roasted with garlic and later add a generous splash of lemon. It is also great eaten raw in salads or with a vegetable dip.

The snack I usually love to have on hand is nuts. They are low GI but high-protein that will quickly refuel your brain and keep you writing all afternoon long. You can choose any kind of nuts but the best for Omega-3 fatty acids is the walnut. The Omega-3 in nuts will keep your nervous system and your brain fine-tuned and functioning. It will also help to prevent cognitive problems like learning disabilities, depression, and sleep disorders. Another great thing is that nuts are very filling so you won’t be disturbed by hunger pangs and will give you a great boost of energy. Just remember they are high in fat so don’t overindulge.

There you have it the snacking that will keep you going and keep your brain and body fueled and your thinking unimpaired. So as the ideas and the inspiration flow you can keep on pounding on that keyboard without any interruptions.



Rasma Sandra Raisters

I am a freelance and content writer. I have four blogs. I love music, reading, and drawing. I live in Daytona Beach, Florida.